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Superhero Persona Badges

The DC-based National Children’s Museum developed several exhibits ahead of its Grand Reopening. In particular, the “Weather Worlds” experience attempted to explain to children how Earth's climate is changing. My task was to develop five badges, one to represent each “Superhero Persona” from the exhibit. 

My Role

Designer (as Exhibits Intern)

Team Members

Elise Lemle, Langley Lease, Miriam Greenberg

The badges had to look like a uniform set and incorporate NCM branding. The museum would serve families and children from different backgrounds, so each badge needed to be an icon for a diverse audience. Each “Persona” tied in a specific "Citizen Science Project", and I wanted each badge to represent this task, along with referencing the language of scouting patches and National Park bumper stickers.

The final badges corresponded with the character profiles that the Exhibits & Education team had developed in tandem with the exhibit visuals. The exhibit overall explains to children how they have agency over their environment and can enact meaningful change through small and manageable tasks.

Photos by National Children's Museum

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